Today, on the way to Walmart, Jacob says to me "my friends have a better life than me". I say "What are to talking about?" Jacob" My friends have everything they want." Then he goes on to name gaming systems and such. I told him "Jacob, just because your friends have the latest and greatest doesn't mean they have a better life. Things don't make a great life, spending time with family and love make a great life. And you have a great life. Things are not important." His reply "yeah,I guess".
So now I feel like I need to show him how great of a life he really does have. I don't know how I'm going to do this but I'm going to try. Any suggestions?
(semi-joking-semi-serious) Tell him about all the starving kids in Africa with Aids, and this... though it might be above his head I believe it will put things into perspective for us all.
Now you can drive him by all the houses that were destroyed in the area by the tornadoes and have him reflect on that. Some people lost everything. It is an an opening experience. I showed Sammi and she went to school yesterday and asked the principal what they can do to help them. She is starting to organize a drive for them.
I know that my kids are spoiled rotten but that made me so proud of her!
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