Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Game

I've been tagged. So here goes,

7 Things You Probably Don't Want To Know About Me

1. I Love to watch gorey surgeries on TV.
2.I like to eat cold spaghetti.
3.I think bugs are fascinating. Even the gross scary ones.
4.I like biology , that probably explains the surgery and bugs thing.
5.I can multitask but I'm not good at it. I always try to do too many things at once and they never seem to get finished.
6.I don't think changing poopy diapers is that terrible. It has to be done.
7.I used to hate meeting new people.

There you go,my 7 things.
I tag Michelle and Jodi(I'm giving you a reason to get that blog running)


Michelle Misterkiewicz Wright said...

Hey, you should be helping me with my science class -- I teach life science and I NEED HELP!

Angie said...

I'm so sure ... that multi-tasking thing ... people who say they're not good at such things are usually the best!