Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Christmas Story

I love this Holiday classic, circa 1983! "You'll shoot your eye out!" Need more be said? I remember my brother getting the official Red Ryder BB Gun. I think my mother said those words to him. If she didn't I know I did.We had loads of fun with that thing. No, we never shot at birds or any other animals, we were good children. We shot at each other. Just Kidding. My dad made a target for us to shoot at. We also lined up cans on the old well to shoot down. Who was the better shot? I was of course, I don't actually remember who was better. Grant was probably the better shot. I do remember him getting angry if he didn't win though. Don't all little brothers?


Angie said...

I LOVE "A Christmas Story"! Lalon bought the Hallmark tree ornament this year for our tree. What's funny is he and his twin brother had BB guns and DID use them on each other!!
Love the leg! :)

Rebecca and Ryan said...

I have to admit that I'm probably the only person in the world that can't stand that movie. The strange thing is, I have no idea why. However, Ryan likes it, and last year I bought him the ornament showcasing the tongue-pole incident!