Friday, December 01, 2006

Jake's award and Emily's B-day

Jacob recieved a positive action award from school. That means he is an outstanding student in his class. They had a ceremony for all the students recieving an award. We are so proud of him! He is the one right in the center.Sorry it's a little blurry.It's the best one of the bunch. Pete says it's our camera but I think it's operator error.He took the pictures.

Emily is 9 years old can you believe it? We had a small celebration at home with just us.We let her pretty much have her way all day. She picked where we ate dinner. She wanted curry so we went to Cocoichibana's. (The curry house) Then she wanted to spend her birthday money and go to Dragon Palace, a big arccade with a candy store. So that's what we did. It think she had a really good time.

As for me I'm hanging in there. I don't like my new diet but ya gotta do, what ya gotta do. My blood sugar levels are staying with in range,which is good. And pricking my finger doesn't hurt it's just a hassle. But this weekend my levels may go up I have Emily's cake and my baby shower cake to eat. So this weekend I'm giving myself the ok to indulge a little.

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