Thursday, November 02, 2006


Halloween has come and gone. And we had a bountifully Trick or Treat time. Pete took the kids around the neighborhood, they came home with more candy than I handed out. I stayed home this year and handed out the goodies. I just didn't fell like walking all over the place. Jacob was a goulish vampire and Emily was a goblin ghost. Both were pretty scary. Now it is time to get ready for Thanksgiving. We are having Pete's shop over to the house this year. I'm not sure how many people but I'm sure it more than I have room for in the house. We'll make it work. I won't be making the entire meal by myself I'll have a few helpers. A friend of Pete's is going to deep fry the turkey. I have never had a fried turkey but I hear they are yummy. We plan to have the traditional meal,turkey and the fixins. I hope it turns out well.

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