Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well,Pete gets home this Friday. I'm starting to freak out! I'm not sure what to expect. I know I want to let him help out with things but I don't know if I can let him. I have gotten so used to doing things on my own. It's going to be hard.I'm also worried about how Mason will react.I hope his transition back home is easy for us all.
The kids are so excited and antsy. I'm keeping them home from school and we are all going down to the pier to pick him up.


Michelle Misterkiewicz Wright said...

Bella barely know Ted when he left for Iraq and she was the first one to go to him when he came home. It was so cute. Theo definitely missed him the most and had the hardest time when he came home -- things have honestly never been the same with them. It is sad. Just make time to be a family -- forget about everyone else, take the phone off the hook, and be together. Good luck -- it will be different but it will be so good to have him home. :)

Rebecca and Ryan said...

Yea, Friday! I'm so excited for you all! Don't worry about how things will be...enjoy the moments. Keep your routines the same. You may find that things will flow quite smoothly. :) So happy for you!