Friday, February 01, 2008

Going Green

I have recently started my contribution to going green. There are so many little things you can do to help the enviroment and future of it. I am replacing my wattage gulping incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient compact floresent ones.
And I know you all are tired of recieving all those junk catalogs in the mail. So here is a website to help get rid of them. Just choose which ones you want to stop receiving and they take care of the rest. And think of all the trees you'll be saving. Here is another one to end all the credit card offers.
We all know about turning off the lights when your not using them but how many of you leave the water running while brushing your teeth? Reduce,Reuse,Recycle whenever possible. If we all do just one little thing we could save the world!


Aimee said...

Go Tommye!

Lucasb said...

This is great! We started this a couple of years ago. It's a long process to completly switch over. If you need suggestions on cleaning products let us know, we've pretty much tried them all. Samething if you want some web addresses.

It was great to speak with you last night! We definately need to keep in touch more.