Thursday, February 28, 2008

Just a trim

It had to be done. Mason's hair was always in his eyes. I just trimmed his bangs so he could see. He sat amazingly still.

Reading Buddies

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We are going to be busy. This Saturday Jacob has baseball tryouts. And will soon be on a weekly practice schedule. I believe he will have games once a week also. I hope there won't be many on the weekends. That will be our down time.
Emily has started back with Girl Scouts. Her meetings are on Tuesday nights. And she will have an occasional field trip on the weekends. I have volunteered to be the co-leader for her troop. Emily begged and begged for me to do this. I think I will enjoy it. Our first trip will be to Krispy Kreme. YUMMY!! She will also be selling cookies. That's Emily's favorite thing about Girl Scouts.
Mason is still going to Gymboree and has earned two classes a week. So, he will soon start music class. He can go up to four times a week. Two open gyms and two classes. I don't know if we will go all four times.
Between all the kids schedules I'm going to need a day at the spa.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I finally remembered to bring my camera to Gymboree. Mason has a blast there.

How many Nelson's does it take?

Here is some father,son bonding for ya. We bought a new grill and Pete had to put it together. Jacob was a real help, Mason just banged pieces together and carried them off. I couldn't resist taking a picture.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

No prize

Well, Emily didn't place in the science fair, but she did receive a certificate of participation. I'm proud that she tried and did her best.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Science Fair

Emily participated in the Science Fair.She didn't really have a choice, it's required for the 4th grade. Her project was the Lemon Battery. I was stressed out over this thing. Doing the science fair is not like it was when I did them in school. The research,hypothesis,data graphing, man it was hard. It seemed to be a lot simpler back then. You made a hypothesis, did the experiment ,you were right or wrong and that was it. Or at least that's how I remember it.

We don't know if she placed in the fair. I'll find out today,so come back to see how she did. Wish her luck!

Jacob's class did a group project. Which cereal has the most iron? Jacob told me he didn't help with the project,he was busy with other work. But I'm still proud of him.

Friday, February 01, 2008


Check out Mason's coiffure do. It only curls up after his bath. By morning they usually straighten out. I think it's time to give him his first hair cut. But I don't want to. I'll just keep pushing it out of his eyes. Until he is mistaken for a girl.

Going Green

I have recently started my contribution to going green. There are so many little things you can do to help the enviroment and future of it. I am replacing my wattage gulping incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient compact floresent ones.
And I know you all are tired of recieving all those junk catalogs in the mail. So here is a website to help get rid of them. Just choose which ones you want to stop receiving and they take care of the rest. And think of all the trees you'll be saving. Here is another one to end all the credit card offers.
We all know about turning off the lights when your not using them but how many of you leave the water running while brushing your teeth? Reduce,Reuse,Recycle whenever possible. If we all do just one little thing we could save the world!