Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Newest Nelson

CUTIE PIE! This picture is Emily's favorite. She says he is sticking out his tounge. I think it was just some gas. We are all adjusting to having Mason around. Jacob and Emily are great with him.They both want to help all the time. Jacob doesen't like to hear him cry though.He says it hurts him. I'm not sure if he means hurts Mason or him.
Mason is a healthy eater, every two hours. I'm sure he'll plump up in no time. He has a check up on Valentines Day. We'll see how much he has gained. He is just a perfect little guy.He has blonde hair with a little bit of red tint and blue eyes, we think, they are still changing. We love him very much.

1 comment:

Michelle Misterkiewicz Wright said...

Emily and Jacob look so proud! I am sure that they love to help. Our kids fight over who will get Nicholas' diapers and who will stand on the stool to see him get dressed. They are so funny!
